A correctly set working shift is important for the proper functioning of the attendance system.
Employees can see how many hours they have worked and how much they still must work, or how many holiday they have available.
The employer has the ability to track whether employees meet the working hours, or if they come to work late.
Reports, that can be generated in the system, are useful for the accountants, who then have no trouble compiling attendance of each employee.
The result is clearer, better and faster communication between employee and employer.
Add / Edit Work Shifts

period – the period after which the shift cycle is repeated
distinctive value – the value on which are rounded:
- in fixed work Ins and Outs
- in flexible work the whole days
balance interval – the period after which are working hours controlled (if the number of worked hours at the end of the period does not match ordered number, the error is generated in the attendance)
In the Full mode, you will appreciate the enhanced functionality:
max. difference - maximum difference between the ideal fund and worked fund (exceeding the value generates an error in attendance)
ideal day fund - for ideal attendance reports
departure delay - the period after the end of a shift, in which the employee must leave work (if not, “missing in and out” error is generated )
ideal shift - for ideal attendance reports
balance interval - the period after which fund of worked hours is controlled (if the total number of hours worked at the end of the period does not match prescribed number, the error is generated in the attendance)
break tolerance – the time by which it is possible to exceed a break without generating an error (missing fund is necessary to complete in the flexible hours)
Four types can be added for each day:
- fixed work - fixed time period in which employee must be at work
- flexible work - you can set the time interval for arrival and departure
- free work - it does not matter whether the user has accesses (preset shift is always considered in the attendance)
- break - can be any length, with optional beginning and end
If the difference of the end and the beginning of a break is longer than the length of the break, you give employees the freedom to leave, while preserving reserved time. Additionally, you can use the break tolerance, where exceeding the length of the break will not generate an error and missing working fund must be worked in flexible working hours.
Assign shift 
In this step, we get to the assignment of created shifts to employees. You can assign individual users or entire work groups.
If you have employees for seasonal work or part-time workers, you will benefit from the possibility of setting start and end date for the shift.